Friday, April 17, 2009


我不喜欢与别人分享我内心的想法... 应该没有人会知道我真正想要的是什么... 因为就连我自己都不清楚我要什么... 表面上的大笑掩饰了我的的不愉快... 其实朋友我有不少, 但我从来没向他们分享我的秘密... 今天, Jack 来找我谈关于Kim Lee的事情... 在见面以前, 我实在不想牵扯在他们这段感情中... 因为我厌倦了... 我不耐烦了... 对于这事件,我已经不感兴趣了... 但Jack来找我,我不忍心拒绝他... 因为对他来说,我可能是很重要的聆听者... 所以我答应了... 在谈论中,我了解到他的想法... 终于他想通了... 感谢神,让他能重新站立起来... 我祷告, 他能从中反省自己的处事态度... 我不知道为什么他会想来找我谈这件事, 可能他认为我可以帮助到他... 其实, 我根本不能做什么... 对于感情游戏, 我没什么经验... 我更加不懂... 但和他谈论过后, 我从他身上学到了一些东西... 我佩服他对感情认真的态度... 我佩服他想要为自己争取机会的勇气 ,虽然失败了但他尝试了...
我不是一个这样的人, 所以我佩服他... 但是我期望我能像他一样, 争取自己想要的东西....
如果对自己想要拥有的东西都不敢提起勇气努力争取, 那么我有凭什么可以得到呢??


  1. Grace。。。你有什么东西是想要而没有去争取的呢?

  2. 你是IRENE? 哈哈... 你呀... 两样都有... 又不关心我, 也不熟我.. 如果你想知道什么就问我吧.. 我一定会告诉你的...

  3. 那你很熟我咯。。。酱你都懂是我!哈哈!

  4. Grace, dont keep everything in your heart... we r willing to hear from you. 不会珍惜你的人,不值得你为他们伤心的... People will dissapoint you, hurt you, laugh at you, But God wont dissapoint you. all you need to do is focus on him, trust him, love him, study his word, pray to him, u know there is one bible verse, trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your way acknowledge him, and he will direct your path.. become a master of your life, knows that god works in his time, his season.. god sees one day as thousand years, thousand years as one day. dont get frustrated for the things that not deserved to, continue to pray for it, he will has his plan for your life.. listen to the voice that will help you, know who is your messanger that sent by god to talk to you, dont listen to words that may hurt you. everything will be alright. anything just talk to me, im always there...

  5. im so sorry that jack had bothered u guys a lot... i really hope that tml will be better..
    ppl no longer selfish anymore..
